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T.O.W.E.R. D.E.F.E.N.S.E.

"Because Amazing Companies Obviously Need Bacon Especially Against Rampaging Swine, Tremendously Odd Weapons Engage Readily Despite Endless Forces Encompassing Nom Sizzle Eatery" B.A.C.O.N.B.E.A.R.S.T.O.W.E.R.D.E.F.E.N.S.E. is a humorous breakfast themed tower defense game where the player must defend themselves from the menacing Breakfast Wizard and his hypnotized army of swine, known as The Pork Force.


BBTD was probably my favorite game that I have worked on so far at DigiPen. It was made during the spring of my Freshman year. BBTD was my first time making a game from the ground up. Since it was our first team project we each could only have one official role, but for BBTD I worked as the Producer, Lead Designer, and Art Director.


My favorite part (and the most challenging thing) about BBTD was incorporating 14 different enemy types while keeping them all pig related.


One important lesson I learned here was management both in time and scope. Yes, I got a lot of enemies in the game, but  there were plenty that were cut. Also, without proper time management I do not think we would have managed to complete all the great features that we have.


Overall I feel that I did a great job making a fun tower defense game, that is both challenging to play but yet fun to play at the same time.

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